upissaxx.xyz, uyjdklhdjk7893.com

Scam Sites

  1. www.upissaxx.xyz - Registered on: 10-Jun-2024.

  2. uyjdklhdjk7893.com - Registered on: 8-Jun-2024.

  3. hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/__roibest_install.html

  4. hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/__roibest_scan.html

  5. hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/__roibest_startup.html

  6. hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/index.html

Scam status

The malicious domains are Active, but the website is not reachable.

Documented on: 23-Jun-2024

How the Scam works?

When the link is clicked, it's redirected to: hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/__roibest_install.html

On clicking Rapid Install, it's redirected to: hxxps://play.uyjdklhdjk7893.com/1366647487/__roibest_scan.html


They look like legitimate Google Play Store pages. But, all are fake pages.

On clicking Open, it's redirected to:


Looks like some trading website. But it's fake.

As the links are opened in a Mobile phone, the URLs are not displayed. But when opened from a Laptop Browser, the URLs can be seen.

Report Abuse

The upissaxx.xyz domain was reported for abuse, but it was not blocked.

When uyjdklhdjk7893.com was reported for abuse, the error message was: The complaint domain name is under review, please do not submit it again.

Last updated